Student Government
1. The Central Students Government shall be composed of six major Officers; the President, Vise President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Business Manager and Board of Directors composed of 14 Members.
2. Qualifications: a. President and Vise President
a.1 resident of NPC for 2 consecutive semester w/ at least 18 units of credit.
a.2 must be in Junior year.
a.3 must have a general weighted average of 80% w/o any failure.
a.4 no record of offenses against the public
a.5 no record of harassment against peers professors and personnel in the college.
a.6 not an SK officials because of conflict interest.
a.7 Elected officers can be impeached on grounds provided for by the rules and< regulation of Central Student Organization.
The College Registrar gives out the students transcript of records.
b. a student’s transcript of records is usually released in request by the student or by a member of his immediate family as long as sufficient proof is presented by said person.
c. a documentary stamp shall be charged for any transcript of records, diploma or any other documents of similar nature issued students.
d. Graduating students shall receive his/her diploma and transcript of records on the day of his/her graduation.
Student Record